Cow sales area at Obo-annang market, Essien Udim LGA, AKS
Cow Dung to Biogas
We are interested in promoting and deploying biogas technology as an alternative energy for rural and semi-urban areas in southern Nigeria. Anaerobic Digestion is the underlying technology for biogas production and it provides some exciting possibilities and solutions to such global and local problems as alternative energy production, sound management of human, animal, municipal and industrial waste, controlling environmental pollution and expanding food supplies through recycling of nutrients back to the soil.
Our researchers have previously collaborated with the Energy Centre at University of Nigeria, Nsukka to build a pilot biogas demonstration facility at Obo-annang, in Essien Udim Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The project was jointly sponsored by the Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Economic Development and United Nations Development Program (MED-UNDP) We collaborate with Lancaster Environment Centre, United Kingdom to deepen our understanding of this technology.
What is biogas
Biogas is a colourless, odourless and inflammable gas which burns with a blue flame produced by the decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen. Biogas from cow dung is a mixture of 55-65% methane, 30-35% carbon dioxide and traces of other gases. Its heating value is about 600 B.T.U. per cubic foot comparable to natural gas which has a value of 1000 B.T.U. The slurry after the decomposition process is composed of 1.8-2% nitrogen, 1-2% phosphorus, 0.6-0.8% potassium and 50-75% organic humus. About 22-40m3 of gas is produced from 1000kg of cow dung waste.
We invite prospective investors to partner with us to deploy this technology